OK, so we decided to take a break until our next milestone. This week, we are finalizing the last of our paperwork (I-797) and sending it to AWAA. This marks the end of our approximately one year paperwork chase.
We started with AWAA in June 2010 and immediately got identified thatwe had to do an alternative process due to something from about 30 years ago. Little did we know at the time, but this alternate process requires that we get pre-approved before beginning the home study and dossier. So, we did the additional paperwork and were referred to a child on August 24, 2010. We agreed and were pre-approved for that child in October 2010. So, now we had to start the paperwork knowing a little about our future child and seriously stressing over every day longer it took than it had too as he is sitting in an orphanage half way around the world waiting for us to come get him. Since then, we have struggled through the mass of paperwork for the home study and dossier and all of the tons of notarizing and certifying copies of everything. We finished all of that paperwork in February 2011 and then had to wait for the I-800A and fingerprinting appointment with USCIS. We received that paperwork at the end of March and had the fingerprinting appointment in mid April. We then waited about 6-weeks for our I-797 to come. It arrived this weekend and we are getting it notarized and sent to AWAA this next week. We tried to find a federal notary as AWAA told us this may save us about two weeks, but noone we know (military, bank or other notaries we know) has even heard of a federal notary.
Now we are in the home stretch and are waiting for our RA (Referral Approval) and TA (Travel Authorization). We were originally told this was about two months, but AWAA recently told us they are seeing up to six months for this right now. We are praying for 2-4 months.
Proverbs 16:9
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.
Psalm 5:3
In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.
We started with AWAA in June 2010 and immediately got identified thatwe had to do an alternative process due to something from about 30 years ago. Little did we know at the time, but this alternate process requires that we get pre-approved before beginning the home study and dossier. So, we did the additional paperwork and were referred to a child on August 24, 2010. We agreed and were pre-approved for that child in October 2010. So, now we had to start the paperwork knowing a little about our future child and seriously stressing over every day longer it took than it had too as he is sitting in an orphanage half way around the world waiting for us to come get him. Since then, we have struggled through the mass of paperwork for the home study and dossier and all of the tons of notarizing and certifying copies of everything. We finished all of that paperwork in February 2011 and then had to wait for the I-800A and fingerprinting appointment with USCIS. We received that paperwork at the end of March and had the fingerprinting appointment in mid April. We then waited about 6-weeks for our I-797 to come. It arrived this weekend and we are getting it notarized and sent to AWAA this next week. We tried to find a federal notary as AWAA told us this may save us about two weeks, but noone we know (military, bank or other notaries we know) has even heard of a federal notary.
Now we are in the home stretch and are waiting for our RA (Referral Approval) and TA (Travel Authorization). We were originally told this was about two months, but AWAA recently told us they are seeing up to six months for this right now. We are praying for 2-4 months.
Proverbs 16:9
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.
Psalm 5:3
In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.